Touch me not – a Rhyme to teach your toddler ABCD of touch

Teach your child the ABCD of touch through this Rhyme using traffic light analogy

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Code Red

If someone touches you on your lip
Or they try to touch your hips
Only mommy and dady do that,
If anyone else, it is code Red

You must say No, I don’t like
Tell your mommy as it is not right
Don’t fear and be strong and brave
Mommy loves you, will help you always

The part covered by your underwear
Or the part between your legs
Make sure Never ever anyone touch
Only mommy do that, else it is code Red


Code yellow

Few touches are good, few are bad
Some touch your leg, chest and back
Doctors, teachers help when you are low
But if it doesn’t feel good, it is code yellow

The other parts like shoulders and tummy
Someone tickles and it might be funny
But if it feels bad and you don’t like
Shout and say out loud, it is not right

It is a beautiful body, it belongs to you
If wrong happens and someone hurt you
Tell your mommy, she is your best fellow
If it doesn’t feel good, it is code Yellow

 Code Green

We have friends and we play with them
We give them hugs and we shake hands
Teachers and friends are nice and clean
Always smile and know, it is code Green

Don’t talk to strangers if mommy is not there
Say hello politely but don’t let them touch
Stay close, stay safe and protect your body
Says your best friend, she is your mommy

Remember these things wherever you are
Your body, belongs to you, no one should hurt
Everyone is not bad, all are not mean
Always smile and know, it is code Green


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Author: TroublesomeTwo

Hina Ayaaz is a happy mother of an adorable three year old and an avid blogger. Her blog TroublesomeTwo offers both funny and deep insights into parenting and motherhood. She creates customized rhymes, stories and comic strips for kids. She also helps startups and individuals in writing business content and creating presentations.

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